Chatbot for Healthcare Chatbot for Lead Generation Chatbot Ideas
Lead Generation Chatbot - 5 Tips for Better Medical Leads
In a time where medical information can easily be found over the internet, it is no surprise that people are looking for medical facts, advice, information about diseases,and health care products online. Lead Generation Chatbot converts visitors into leads but can also provide this crucial information to potential customers. According to Pew Research Center, 72% of adults who used the internet over the last year where looking for medical information online.
This convenience of the digital age is changing the relationship between the medical industry and patients. In order to be in touch with potential customers, medical companies are generating sales leads online, allowing them to maintain revenue growth. However, the online environment is a competitive one and many medical websites are adding a Lead Generation Chatbot in order to provide information to potential customers and increase lead conversion rates from existing traffic.
We've gathered several tips for successfully using Lead Generation Chatbots on your medical website. Using these five tips will help you to increase your sales leads generation and maximize your Lead Generation Chatbot's potential.

1. Use Your Lead Generation Chatbot on Relevant Pages Only
There are different types of visitors who frequent your medical website. Some are people with medical needs seeking a product or treatment; some might be family members looking fora solution for their loved one's problems; while others might only want to get information without any intention of becoming a patient. Each of the above is visiting your website for a different purpose.
Your website's homepage, for example, gets all kinds of visitors.You might not want to generate a sales lead if you are not talking directly with the patient, you might want your visitors to get some information before providing their contact details, or you might decide that you want to get all kinds of leads. Having a Lead Generation Chatbot that engages all kinds of visitors may cause you to get support leads as well. Therefore you should consider whether adding the Lead Generation Chatbot to your homepage is correct for your particular website.
Not every page should have your Lead Generation Chatbot on it.
Your Lead Generation Chatbot should be active only on pages where it works for you and produces strong results. You may start by adding the Lead Generation Chatbot to all of your website pages,but monitor its activity on different pages to see how it serves your business goals. Use your Chatbot reports to find the best preforming pages and if needed – remove your Lead Generation Chatbot from certain pages. Let the Chat do its job only on relevant pages.
2. Chatbot Getting Your Visitors' Attention
Getting attention is a powerful and rare commodity these days. Remember, the fact that the information exists on your website doesn't mean its accessible to your potential patients. The amount of information on your website is huge and using your Lead Generation Chatbot can help them find the content they're looking for.
Yet if visitors won't start a conversation with your Lead Generation Chatbot it cannot help them. Therefore, the first thing your Lead Generation Chatbot has to do is to get the visitors’ attention and engage them to start a conversation. Data from hundreds of websites that use Chatbots to convert visitors into leads show a clear picture; 50% of visitors who start a conversation with a Chatbot provide their contact information by the end of the chat.
Your Chatbot's introduction, triggers, design and colors all have one purpose, to get the visitors' attention and start a conversation. Use distinctive colors that will make your Lead Generation Chatbot stand out, set triggers to open the chat at the right time for your patients, start the conversation with an open question and call-to-action sentences that motivate your patients. Once you see that your website visitors are starting to talk with your Chatbot, you can get data from these conversations and use it to improve your Lead Generation Chatbot.
3. Use the Chatbot to learn from your patients questions
While your Lead Generation Chatbot is talking with your patients it is gathering some valuable information for you. Your patients are very different from each other; they might be from a different country, have different health problems, different needs etc. There is no way to guess what these patients are thinking when they're visiting your website, if they are more interested in one treatment or another. This type of information can be obtained through years of experience and talking with thousands of patients, or with a Lead Generation Chatbot.
Your Lead Generation Chatbot gives you the option to talk with lots of patients in a short period of time; to get inside their heads and see what they are looking for, what they are asking, what words are they using etc. This opens up a world of information that was previously hidden from you. Learn what motivates your patients, what their needs are, and how you can improve the sales process for them. Write your Lead Generation Chatbot answers using the same keywords your patients are using and change your scripts based on this information. This will give your patients more confidence when chatting with your Chatbot and will make your chat more trustworthy.
4. Call Your Incoming Chatbot Leads Immediately
People with medial issues are usually doing extensive market research before making a decision about which institute they should go to for treatment. It is essential to understand that when a patient is looking for a medical service\product he's probably visiting a few other websites besides yours. He reads information, compare prices, consults with his family and checks every option he has. This means that a patient that came to your website, talked with your Lead Generation Chatbot and gave you his contact information is interested in your service\product - he's ready to move on to the next step. But the more time that passes between him leaving his information and you calling him back – the more likely it is that he will have gone elsewhere for a solution to his problem.
Studies show that companies that callback new leads within the first hour are more likely to close the sale within this call. This is why connecting your Lead Generation Chatbot to your sales process is crucial. If you are using a CRM software than you may send the leads gathered by our Chatbot straight to your CRM.
5. Chatbot Optimization Based on Conversations with Real Patients
While talking with your Lead Generation Chatbot, your patients will provide you a lot of helpful information. By reading the conversations your patients have, you can see not only the questions that are missing answers, but also if your existing answers are good for your business goal. You can also do A/B testing for different answers\scripts and see what serves your goals better.
It is also recommended to allow your patients to provide feedback on your answers. Your patients feedback is a very effective tool when it comes to improving your Lead Generation Chatbot. Use your chat reports to find out on which pages your Lead Generation Chatbot performs the best, the most common FAQ's etc. Every piece of information you get form your Lead Generation Chatbot is important and can be used to improve your answers, scripts, sales calls and even your entire sales process.
One Last TipIt is important to keep in mind is that your website visitors are patients who may suffer from medical issues and therefore might not want to disclose all their information online. Be sure not to put them in an uncomfortable situation, this will cause them to leave the conversation. Think first about the details that you need from your visitors in order to generate a quality sales lead and improve your sales process. Save the rest of the information for a phone call.