Chatbot Helping TA Academic College resolve 70% queries online


TA Academic College is home to 20,000 students in seven faculties and over 95 schools and departments across the spectrum of sciences, humanities and arts.


The students and faculty staff have a high volume of simple queries for which they contacted the call center, creating in turn an overload and long response times.
In addition, these queries have a wide range of subjects touching their daily life, administration, and studies which creates a challenge to centralize knowledge easily.

TA Academic College was looking to resolve these issues in order to reduce the load on support staff while offering a service that the students would adopt happily.


TA Academic College created a chatbot using "chat for support" scripts and AI self-learning to detect real user's questions.
All new questions and topics are being answered until users feedback is satisfactory.
Students have been invited by SMS to use the chatbot directly from their mobile phone in order to ask questions, get instant answers or easily escalate inquiries to support staff – without calling by phone!

Key Features

  • Chatbot for support

  • Self-learning to detect new questions and topics of interest

  • Assist with common processes and answer repetitive questions

  • Easily send feedback on answers in order to improve them

  • Easily escalate personal inquiries

  • Inquiries to Helpdesk using webhook

  • Results

  • Over 70% of Queries Resolved Online

  • Students participate through feedback on answers

  • Waiting queue for inquiries down from 5 days to 1 day

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