Coaching Chatbot for LironMor, the business coaching brand
Liron – Founder and CEO, your business and tell us about yourself: What does your business do? What is your role?
Hi, I’m Liron, and I’m the founder and CEO of LironMor, a coaching brand for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals. My brand helps businesses boost their sales, overcome their challenges, and fulfil their objectives, through a variety of lectures and digital courses aimed at channeling the power of video marketing.
What problems/challenges did you have and why did you decide to create a Chatbot?
As a coaching brand, staying relevant and attracting enough leads to keep growing our clientele has always been our primary challenge. Even when I started developing video marketing content almost a decade ago, I was aware of the intense competition in this field. Now, after having established the LironMor brand, my team and I continue to brainstorm ways to keep our coaching services fresh and innovative in the eyes of our potential customers. We know that the business owners and professionals who take an interest in our work have plenty of other services to go to if we don’t seem to be able to offer them the results they need.
This is exactly why I opted for creating a chatbot for my coaching website. I felt that a chatbot would be able to get a potential client’s attention in those first few crucial seconds. Through the chatbot, I would be able to extend a ‘personal’ invitation to my website’s visitors, guiding them through my online courses and video marketing material, and answering their queries about the same. I figured that this would help the LironMor website generate more leads that I could eventually follow up with.

What was the result of adding your Chatbot to your business/website? And what did you learn from it?
After the addition of a VirtualSpirits chatbot, my website has been generating a significantly higher number of leads than it did before. The chat transcripts make it clear that visitors are now engaging more with my website, and asking questions about specific services and programs.
Implementing this chatbot has been a learning experience for me and my team. I now understand the importance of having an up-to-date chat script, because that is how I can give my website’s visitors relevant, informative answers to the questions they have about my coaching services. This in turn plays a big role in convincing my visitors that they’re talking to a professional, and encourages them to try my digital courses or register for a follow-up.
What are your top recommendations for businesses just starting with their own Chatbot?
After launching our new chatbot and observing the results, my team and I could clearly see that our visitors preferred to chat rather than browse for information. As such, I would advise any business owner who is in the process of building a chatbot, to keep working on their chat script, and keep adding new answers.
The best way to do this would be to regularly read the chat transcripts, because they contain tons of invaluable information and real-time feedback from your website’s visitors. We do this regularly at LironMor, and we’ve found it to be a powerful way to engage with new clients. Analyzing chat transcripts has not only allowed us to improve our website, but has also helped us identify areas where our marketing efforts – and even our coaching services – may need optimization and improvement.